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Physics 2nd Year Book
physics 2nd-year book is for FSC & ICS Intermediate 2nd year (part 2). This book content published by Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board, Lahore and Seith Adam Jee Abdullah, Lahore, download free book here.
Physics 2nd Year Book
when tens of thousands of books and lectures could be obtained learning physics is easier than ever before. That's why gonna have a look at a few textbooks that were recommended, beginning with a list of physics 2nd-year books. The books were selected by considering reviews expertise, cost and lecturer recommendations. The cover images and links to amazon are added for convenience. For those brief money, Additionally, I have added textbooks that were free which can be found on the web. The books are listed in no specific order. Physics 2nd-year book with Modern Physics by Young, Freedman & Lewis Ford - physics 2nd-year book is one of the most popular physics textbooks used in many universities around the world.
This beast of a physics 2nd-year book covers all the principles that a technology or physics student may need, plus adds a comprehensive introduction. The topics covered include mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, optics & modern physics. The modern physics section covers relativity, quantum mechanics, particle physics, cosmology & atomic structure. Because of the relatively high price of the thirteenth edition, many students might prefer the twelfth edition that covers mostly the same topics. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern physics 2nd-year book by Douglas C. Giancoli - This is another textbook. The book is cheaper and a little shorter than University Physics it covers the same subjects.
The textbook has a nice structure, with a focus on examples. For students from other disciplines, or only those, who're looking for something with regards to mathematics, lighter, there is a textbook that is algebraic by Giancoli called Physics: Applications and Principles. This text is cheaper and is devoted to pre-med, agricultural, engineering, and students. Fundamentals of Physics by Jearl Walker, Robert Resnick, and David Halliday - Here we've also and another textbook, that is regarded as the standard of freshman textbooks that happens to be my favorite. What's more, in 2002, Fundamentals of Physics was named the most outstanding introductory math textbook of the twentieth century by the American Physical Society.
Like some different publications from this list, Fundamentals of physics 2nd-year book is much a big tome that covers all the main regions of undergraduate education physics. The extended edition of the textbook also covers such modern math topics as quantum mechanics, solid-state math, atomic and molecular math, and cosmology. Two great features of the book, that I found especially useful, had been the example problems for each topic and of the summaries after each chapter that were invaluable during exam revision. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach by Randall D. Knight - Physics for Scientists and Engineers is much just another widely praised textbook utilized in physics classes all over the world.